Our Classes

Beginner’s Meditation

This is a course a lot of you will love! I’ll be your guide in teaching you how the breath works and how to let your body be the guide for it. Meditation for some people can be hard to just sit down and focus on the breath when the mind is racing about numerous things. In this class, you will learn the basics about meditation, that there are no goals to accomplish, and have an easy understanding that it is not about achieving anything. It simply is taking time to be there for your body, mind and spirit. This class will give you the basics about meditation so you can learn to meditate on your own! So, relax, take a breath and if you want to learn to ease off the pressure of the “stigma” of what meditation is all about, this is the class for you!


Mediumship and Intuitive Studies Program (One to One)

Mediumship is a practice of blending with spirit. In a mediumship one to one course, you will learn the basics about mental mediumship. There are fundamental basics that have been taught educationally on how the connection with spirit is. This is an intensive program that will not only help you learn how to connect with spirit but will help you decipher the difference between your ego and spirit. Intuitive Studies is an addition to learning how to build your Psychic Development. Through developing and learning more about your sixth sense, you will learn other ways to connect to the logical aspects of your intuition as well as blending with your higher self. This package includes getting to know the Tarot, Telepathy Exercises, Oracle Reading, Psychic Reading without the cards, readings auras, and much more. This program is a deeper dive into getting connected to your spirit guide and healing guide. The bundle includes a package deal of 10 weeks for an intensive study on the basics of mental mediumship, with the addition of intuitive studies. If you are looking for sessions a’la cart just on mediumship that is also offered. It is suggested and recommended to have a practice of mediumship blending with a partner or in circle, at least once a week to have a continuous connection with the spirit world and your own personal growth.

Spirit Circles

Spirit Circles are a group class where you will learn the basics of mental mediumship. This connection with the other side is very much a loving and warm embrace, and shows you that there is nothing to fear when connecting with your loved ones. In each class, you will be practicing mediumship development with other classmates, and getting in touch with your main spirit guides. Spirit guides are the main gate keeper for our ancestors and loved ones that have passed on. In these classes, you will be given a structured way of connecting to spirit, and soon be able to learn how to connect as a medium for yourself and others. Not everyone is born a medium, but everyone can become a medium. These classes are devoted to healing and harmony and will leave you feeling ultimately grounded and divinely connected. In making a connection if you are a beginner to mediumship, it is good to lean in with no expectations. It is common to sometimes not get any signs from our guides as a medium, and also common to be advanced right away. There is no judgement, comparing, or competition allowed! Only love, healing and fun! So let’s connect with the beautiful divine energy and become one with the wholeness of mediumship.


Psychic Development

Get in touch with your sixth sense with a class tuning into your intuition, higher self, spirit guides, and psychic development. This will deepen the connection to your “Clair” abilities. For example, clairvoyance is having the ability to “see”. In this class you will learn much more about the abilities of how your intuition works. There will be plenty of games, and exercises to make this work fun! As well as some healing, and shadow work to help evolve your growth. If you are feeling a pull to build a connection to your higher self, and learn to deepen these skills for not only your spiritual growth, but personal growth as well, come and answer that call.


Crystals and Chakras 101

In this class we will be learning about how crystals and chakras corelate with one another. Chakras are known as “spinning wheels” in certain centers of our body. In this class we will focus on the main seven chakras, and seven crystals that are connected to each. This class will also involve a guided meditation that will facilitate some healing and attunement to some of your own crystals that you will need as a requirement for the class. The crystals you will need are: amethyst, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, green aventurine, tigers eye, carnelian, and red jasper. This class will help to give you a tune up to your own intuitive senses! Come heal with crystals and get to know the basics of your seven chakras.


Getting in Touch with your Spirit Guide

This will be a connection to getting to know the spirit guides that have known and loved you for many lifetimes. This will be a guided meditation, where you will ask for their name and allow them to take you on a journey that will show you things that you set your own intention for. This will attune you to their energies and will give you a connection to them through your higher self. After the meditation, we will share our experiences and get to know our intuition with the information we are being given by them and practice with your fellow classmates. This will give you an opportunity to learn to not only trust your guides, but learn to trust yourself! Allow the process to give you a sense of learning how to let your guides in with acceptance, love and trust. This will integrate some healing for your highest good, and will help you manifest a deeper connection to the parts of yourself in need of healing. They are here to help guide you to heal through the parts of your inner child, which is also work that will be done in this meditation. Be open to surrendering to their love, and you will be guided to a path that feels lighter than life.


Tarot Class

This is a 7-week course where you will learn how to connect with Tarot cards. This will give you information about the traditional values and concepts that the Tarot provides. The Major and Minor Arcana will be taught in increments each week. We will make sure to cover all the basics, and meanings that the cards hold. For example, The Pentacles element in the Tarot is Earth. We will go over past, present, and future spreads, and more. This will ultimately give you guidance on how the Tarot works and give you a confidence boost as you will learn to trust what you feel. Clairsentience is the best way to describe what we feel when doing a tarot reading, and this can also be paired with our Clairvoyant abilities. This can also broaden the connection with your spirit guides, and give you an opening to connecting with passed loved ones, if the intention calls for it. If you are interested in learning the basics and more about Tarot and developing a deeper understanding of how intuition works, come schedule a class!

Oracle Class

This is a 7-week course where you will learn to connect with Oracle Cards. Oracle cards are different than Tarot, and a non-traditional way of reading. This gives you some clarity on the events more so to heal in your present time. There are different varieties of Oracle cards. Oracle cards sometimes have another name such as “Angel Cards” because of the warm and loving messages they provide. This information also helps us channel the information, and gives you a clear connection to your intuitive abilities. This will give you more direction on the path to the healing you want to manifest in your life by learning to read Oracle cards. The knowledge in each deck is so diverse that they will also help you learn tools and information that have been passed down from different belief systems and cultures. A lot of Oracle cards teach about the Chakra system, and others can give you messages based off of a power animal that may be connected to a certain phase of your life while you heal in the here and now. This class is all about the present moment in time, and will help you tune in to deepening your connection with your higher self by learning how to trust the information that the cards are giving to you and will help you prepare to become an Oracle Card reader if that is your intention. If you are interested in increasing the power of your intuition, healing, and connecting to your higher self, this is the class for you.

Book a Class

Classes are available now with more being added in the future!